Monday, August 5, 2024

2024 State Fair New Foods Preview Part 1- Initial Thoughts, 3 Piggy Pals On-A-Stick through Chile Mango Whip





OK, I feel a little better getting that off my chest. I’m not panicking. It’s fine, I’m fine.

New foods came out like 3 weeks ago but we are behind on posting because Sarah and Anne were uber busy at work and then Anne had the gall to go ahead and leave on an adventure to the Galapagos for 10 days, and since she’s the one that updates the blog we were at a standstill.

But it’s fine, we’re back, let’s get to it.

Sarah Overall Thoughts

AHHH! We’re here! It’s time! And of course just like last year they always drop at the worst possible time for me, when I’m deep in the trenches of work. But I find time to look at these glorious foods because it is important. It is summer Christmas Eve, pretty much. One of the happiest times of the year. (I said “time” a lot on this paragraph)

Okay, now that I’ve said all that, let me actually find the list and give it a quick glance (not too much of a look, just a come hither sort of flirt. I don’t want to spoil myself too much.)

Overall Thoughts: First thing I notice is that Mattress Firm is the proud sponsor of the new foods so all right. Good Job.

I see some tots (excellent), what looks like a LOT of desserts and ice cream. Should make Anne happy (though can there be TOO many desserts? The answer is yes…) and then a handful of new vendors like usual.

Okay okay okay.

After having gone through it there are a couple of themes that come to mind. Cookies and their branches, like cookie butter, cookie crumbles, and cookie bits. Also just sweets and desserts in general. But a sneakier one is new vendors that may or may not be new. A lot of these new foods are from places that don’t typically have new foods and that’s exciting.

Food I’m most looking forward to: I think the savory eclairs. Though that grilled sticky rice is a real close second.

Food I’m least looking forward to: You know what it is. That fucking buffalo cheese curd taco. FML.

Packie’s Overall Thoughts

The best part of waking up, is STATE FAIR in my cup!!  STATE FAIR.  Hot damn, even though I was calmly waiting for the new foods this year, so much so that it was an utter sudden surprise when suddenly they were here, it still feels like I’ve been waiting a lifetime.  The wait is over, though, and the time has come to RUTHLESSLY judge things I’ve never eaten based solely off of a single picture and list of ingredients (aaaaaand maybe some pre-existing biases).  This year is looking like a real flashback from the year before with 33 new foods and 6 new vendors, it is down just one from each category from the year before.  Could be on a downward trend y’all, hard to say for sure, but that would definitely be a mercy on my wallet and my waistline.  Thank god I can walk off all those calories as I wander aimlessly about the fairgrounds searching for the elusive perfect bite.  Definitely feeling some highs and lows with this year’s list, which should make for some exciting adventures if nothing else.  So, without further ado, let’s kick this thing off!

Discerning a theme is always a tricky biz, and it’s not always clear cut, so I’m just gonna throw mine out there.  Take it or leave it.  Sweet & Savory!  That’s right, I feel like we had a plethora of dishes this year that looked to mix their meat with their jams, their ice cream with their…uh, bread?  Bacon and pancakes.  Nut butter and…brown mustard?!  Wow, what a damn roller coaster.  You know, not everything goes together just because you throw them into the same dish.

Most Excited For: Reaaal hard choice this year.  Do I go safe and pick the Strawberry Lemonade Donut, or a proven winner with Cookie Butter Crunch Mini Donuts?  NO, let’s go balls to the walls and bet it all!  That’s right, I’m going everything all in on Deep-Fried Ranch Dressing!  It’s LuLu’s, it's an impossible dish, and that’s why I know it is going to be exciting.  EXCITING DAMMIT!  Let’s go!

Least Excited For: Not going to even ponder this one.  It’s there, like a black hole in the back of my mind, pulling in all thought, hope, and despair like a mindless, heartless beast.  Raging Ball.  I know this will be appropriately named, because I already feel rage boiling up inside me just thinking about it.  I don’t want to try this you guys. I’m so mad, but somehow that feeling is eclipsed by my gripping dread.  For real. This dish makes me want to not go to the fair. That’s right. I hate it that much.

So yeah…with that note, let’s jump to it.  Sorry, things will perk up again, don’t worry.  But just remember, that Rage Ball is somewhere in this list, and when you find it, part of you will die.  Woo STATE FAIR!

Anne’s Overall Thoughts

Woooooooh it’s the 2nd best time of the summer- new fair foods, in which we anticipate the best time of the summer (State Fair OBVIOUSLY)

I have to say, this is the first time I accurately predicted when the foods would be coming out. Last week (aka 4 weeks ago) I said that I felt it in my heart- the foods would be dropping this week and BAM- I was right (tbf I thought it felt like a Monday drop rather than a Tuesday, but a win is a win).

Also for the first time I was not able to even look at the new foods until the next day because I AM SO BUSY AT WORK AND IN LIFE (although that didn’t stop me from hearing about them all dang day- yes I know we have some sort of deep-fried ranch! Also shout out to my coworkers who did not talk about it around me even though they wanted to). I think this is the first time that I won’t be the first one done with my reviews (looks like last year I wasn’t salty about how long it took everyone else AT ALL so I'm sure they’ll extend me the same grace) (spoiler- they were already miffed at me by 6:00pm so I didn’t even get a whole dang day).

Overall Thoughts:

Is this… is this sort of a boring year?

Like what is on here that’s absolutely blowing everyone’s socks off except for the deep fried ranch?

I feel a little underwhelmed. This is the first year where I wasn't 100% certain of what I was most looking forward to.

AND there’s nothing I'm really raging against either. I want to FEEL something, even if it’s rage. Damn where’s Hideaway Speakeasy when you need them??

(just kidding- don’t come back).

Is the theme hot honey? Swedes? What is old is new? Donuts? Banana tears from Packie? I’m not sure. I’ll be interested to hear Sarah and Packie’s takes.

Most Looking Forward To:

Patata Frita Focacciawich (I GUESS)

Least Looking Forward To:

Ham and Pickle Rollup on a Potato Skin (I guess)

3 Piggy Pals On-A-Stick by Sausage SIster & Me

Three smoked sausage slices wrapped in bacon, filled with a cream cheese mix, and drizzled with barbecue sauce. Topped with a jalapeno slice and served on-a-stick. (Gluten-Friendly)


Hmm, I don’t know. Like I love me some meat on a stick. I’m a meat and potatoes gal. But a few things ruin this for me. 

One, the cream cheese. Listen, I like cream cheese as much as the next person, but it’s got a limited purpose. Bagels and English muffins? Absolutely. Cream Cheeses Wontons? Sure thing, pals. A chip dip? Okay! In sushi rolls? No. 

So a cream cheese “mix” in this makes me hella dubious. If it’s not too much, it could be just fine. But if I bite into this and a bunch of cream cheese fills my mouth or comes pouring out? No thanks.

Two, the jalapenos. Like, come on. I don’t want that. I especially don’t want it as a slice on top. Maybe if there were jalapenos in the meat mixture of the sausage then we’d be okay, but like this? No. Honestly, I might just take it off.

Also, I’m a bit dubious about the BBQ sauce on this, too. Seems like we just have a lot of competing flavors that I normally wouldn’t think would go together.

BUT! On the plus side there are 3 of these piggy pals, which means me and my piggy pals can each get one! (See what I did there? You fat hogs (HAH! First burn comes from Sarah! Top that!) (Anne, put in a gif from that rapping witch movie. You know the one I mean.))

(couldn't pick just one- tried to do a whole narrative- Anne)

Oh I see it’s Sausage Sisters. I don’t know if that changes my opinion at all. They can be hit or miss. 

Ugh. I wish there was an arrow forward so I could just click to the next item instead of going back to the main page. IS THIS NOT TWO-THOUSAND AND TWENTY-FOUR?? DO WE NOT HAVE THAT TECHNOLOGY??


The sisters of sausage are back again with a new item after taking the previous year off.  At first glance this looks pretty simple, though a quick read proves it is anything but.  I’m curious if the sausages themselves are stuffed with cream cheese, or are they injecting it somehow after the fact?  Cream cheese is a very dominating flavor, so I’m not sure how I feel including that with all the other elements.  For something that looks like a quick bite, there is a lot going on here.  I know the twins are gonna be happy they can flick that piece of jalapeno off the top before biting into this, though to be fair they both like jalapeno bratwursts.  Happy this is the perfect split for the three of us, though I wonder what the actual size is for these sausage slices and the accompanying cost if it is as small as I imagine.


First off, nice choice using 3 instead of three and getting first billing. Second, something about this name sounds so dang cute- who doesn’t want to be a piggy pal? (I mean, before we devour them amiright?)

Anyway, I like that these are on a stick for convenience, and I like that there are three of them. Bacon-wrapped stuff is overrated, and idk about a cream-cheese mix. And no thanks on jalapenos. I think this will be fine and I'm glad it looks like just one bite.

Afro Poppers by Afro Deli

Bite-size pastries infused with an African blend of spices - ground vanilla, cardamom, ginger, cloves and nutmeg - deep-fried and coated with choice of coconut flakes, sugar or served plain. Topped with choice of drizzle - Mango chutney, caramel or chocolate.


Okay so we’re talking deep fried little pastry balls made with spices, then with a drizzle and a topping of coconut flakes? Sure, sounds good. Am I over the moon about them? Eh. It honestly feels like it’s been done before. 

I mean, are these just donut holes? Maybe. Also, you know my feelings about offering a bunch of different options. I don’t want them. I have to make a LOT of choices at the Fair and it would be really nice if you could just take some of them away from me.

That said, I guess I lean towards coconut flakes or plain (unless by sugar they mean powdered sugar and if so, that’s the one I pick.) And then for a drizzle, gotta go chocolate. I’m not really a caramel fan outside of certain sitches. And I love me some chocolate. Mango chutney could be hit or miss so I don’t think I’ll take that risk unless someone I trust tells me it’s worth it.

Afro Deli is newer I think? But I can’t really remember anything we’ve gotten from them in the past. Eh, Anne will know. She’s a god-damned savant when it comes to Fair stuff like this. Packie might know too as he’s got a photographic memory about food he’s eaten. 

Clearly I’m just along for the ride. (Not really, though, because I’m the one who drives.)

And now I have to fucking click back on my browser like some sort of chump from the aughts.


This was a new Vendor last year and I had to deep dive into our reviews from last year to recall what we had and how was it.  It had low to middle of the road reviews with a strange tasting sambusa that scored pretty low.  Apparently, they had great customer service, though, and we got a deal on buying all three of their new items, so there is that.  This year they are back and offering some…African donut holes?  With all those spices it is sure to pack a punch of flavor and a variety of options for the coating and the topping.  If I had my druthers, I’d probably pick the sugar coated with the chocolate drizzle, but I’m open to giving anything a try.  Maybe that interesting blend of spices will make this really stand out, but I’m feeling pretty ambiguous on this one, especially considering it wasn’t enough to make them stand out before.


Full disclosure- I wrote poopers first by mistake

Ok, I do be liking sweet stuff and these look fun, but are they just donuts (oh jeebus, is the theme this year going to be donuts to cash in on Peachey’s success last year?)

Oh ok so they’re African donuts. Sure sounds good. Are there too many options between the coating and the drizzle? How will we know which combos work the best?

Ba’bacon Sour Cream + Onion by Baba’s

Sour cream + onion hummus topped with beef bacon, sumac tater tots, caramelized onions, scallions, French onion creme fraiche, black cumin seeds and chive oil. Served with pita puffs dusted with sour cream + onion powder. (Gluten-Free without pita puffs, Vegetarian without bacon)


So this is clearly going to be from Baba’s right? Yep, it is. Let’s see what kind of hummus we gots this year.

Sour cream and onion. IDK. I don’t know that I want a whole hummus that’s sour cream and onion. Like, will I feel like I’m just eating straight seasoned sour cream with a spoon? Anne might like that but not me. Honestly, I don’t even really give a crap about sour cream and onion flavored stuff. Like, give it a rest already. It’s just FINE.

Okay but this is topped with beef bacon. You’ve drawn me back in. Don’t know that I’ve ever had beef bacon outside frying some very thinly sliced beef belly at Shinhwa KBBQ and shoving it in my mouth. Tots are good. I don’t know what Sumac tots are and I wish I had more info about that. Are they made from sumac? Flavored with Sumac? No clue. Caramelized onions, great. Scallions, also great. French onion crème fraiche? Absolutely. Black cumin seeds? IDK but why not? Chive oil? Yep.

Okay, am I going to eat a bite of this and blow out my palate so all I’m tasting the rest of the day is onions? Because that’s a big fear I now have. I do love onions (not as much as Anne) but I don’t want to be tasting onions later when I’m eating ice cream or something.

OMG even the pita puffs have sour cream and onion flavoring? Jesus. I just… Okay, I think this will taste good, but I have a serious concern that it might be A LOT. 

If I remember right, Baba’s the first year was amazing, and less so after that so this could go either way, too.


Awww yeah, Baba’s is here again with a new hummus bowl, and I think they’ve really leaned into their strong suit with this new food item.  Tasty hummus aside, I think Baba’s really shines when they pair it with good, flavorful toppings to make it something exciting and more substantial than just hummus and pitas.  I think with all those extras, you could actually dip into this with a spoon when you inevitably run out of pitas (seriously, we need more pitas).  I love sour cream and onion flavors and I love how they added all those components in as toppings in addition to some other fun hits.  Oh shit, and even the pitas are dusted with SC&O poweder?!  Damn, they really know how to punch that flavor in at every level of this dish.  Cannot wait to try this!


Ok the name got a little chuckle out of me, and I immediately knew it was Baba’s (by the name, not the pic, which also when I looked at that confirmed Baba’s. They have good branding).

Beef Bacon?? SUMAC TATER TOTS??! Oh hells yes I am wanting to try those things. And Baba’s is almost always excellent.

Blazing Greek Bites by Dino’s Gyros

Deep-fried bites made from a blend of chickpeas, tomato, roasted red pepper, scallions and cayenne pepper. Served with a side of roasted red pepper hummus. (Glute-Free, Vegan)


From Dino’s I assume. Yep. First glance these look like tots but maybe they’re not.

Oh fuck. They’re not. They’re made from chickpeas. *SIGHS FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES* Oh fuck it’s also tomatoes and red peppers. I don’t like any of those. And then on top of that they’re served with red pepper hummus? Like, I think we can all agree that red pepper hummus is fine (even me, someone who doesn’t like red pepper, says so) but seriously? Baba’s is in the north end. All they DO is hummus. You don’t see anyone else making Greek food do you, Dino’s? I mean, other than Holy Land.

Anyway, I’m very disappointed in this. It looks exactly like something I want to put in my mouth but the ingredients make me sad inside. Mostly I just wish these were some sort of croquette. I fucking love a croquette so much. 

Fuck. Now I’m just extra disappointed in this.


Hmmm.  This is…hmmm.  You know, Dino’s has a pretty good track record for a gyro place that offers something new almost every year that is decidedly not a gyro.  At a glance, these look good, even though I think, if they were going to offer a dry side (presumably for dipping?), they should have just gone with their delicious spicy feta dip.  As for their actual composition, I’m not super thrilled with that combination of chickpeas, tomato, peppers, and scallions, but I don’t know.  I honestly am not sure how to feel about this one, but I’m happy to keep an open mind.


What am I looking at here? Some sort of fancy tot with a special dip? Oh- chickpeas instead of tatos. Uuugggggghhhh. You know- I want to like chickpeas. I just have never enjoyed them. Maybe this time they’ll change my mind? Because I want to like this but I don't think I will. Also wonder what level of spice we’re talking about here. Also also that hummus looks just ok (especially on the heels of Baba’s). Also also also, that breading looks good.

Buffalo Cheese Curd & Chicken Tacos by Richie’s Cheese Curd Tacos

Fried buffalo-flavored cheese curds and chicken topped with blue cheese slaw, drizzled with buffalo sauce, and served in a fried flour shell.


GOD DAMMIT RICHIE! Why you do this to me? ME? ME, as someone who was supporting your food truck during the pandie, before you were even on the MN State Fair Radar.

I love your cheese curd tacos.

I hate, HATE buffalo sauce. And I’m so so so fucking angry that I have to eat this. No one ever forces Anne to eat steamed plain broccoli but fucking buffalo sauce always pops its fucking head back up. 

I can’t even stand the SMELL. 

Oh great! Not only is there buffalo sauce covering the whole fucking thing, the cheese curds themselves are fucking buffalo flavored.

Just…why am I even doing this anymore? Why must I suffer so?


Hahah!  Richie’s is the BOMB!  If you haven’t tried their staple cheese curd tacos, you’re doing something wrong.  Last year was their debut at the fair with a pickle curd taco, in a year with way too many pickles.  Now they’re back and making personal attacks against Sarah with a buffalo cheese curd and chicken taco.  Hahah, she hates buffalo sauce so damn much, I bet she’s…aw shit, they’ve got blue cheese slaw?!  Dammit, they burned us both on this one!  Ranch is the ONLY sauce for buffalo, that’s just a fair fact.  Fight me.  Blue cheese has mold in it, ya know?  Anne’s probably laughing her butt of right now, being that she’s the only one who could handle that combination and not complain about it.  Alright, well I’m a big boy and I can handle a little blue cheese, so hopefully I’ll like this regardless of the tainted slaw.


Yikes- sorry Sarah. But hey! New Cheese Curd Taco! We love those guys! (OK FULL DISCLOSURE- we have never actually had a cheese curd taco at the fair- we’ve only ever eaten them at their food truck when we were desperate for some excitement in our lives during covid summers).

(lies- I forgot about 2023 again. Jesus I’m basic)

Oh jesus I just read this. BLUE CHEESE (blue cheese has mold in it…)

(oh crap i wonder if Sarah and/or Packie made the same reference).

Well I'm disappointed by the Blue Cheese, I still think this looks good. Also I am very hungry right now so maybe that’s influencing me.

Chile Mango Whip by Tasti Whip

Mango Dole Soft Serve in a cup rimmed and topped with chamoy and Taijin. Garnished with a tamarind candy straw.

Alternate flavors of Dole Soft Serve include pineapple, strawberry and lemon. (Gluten-Free, Vegan)


Tasti Whip is great. And I’m down with trying the mango soft serve. They’ve added Tajin because they’re trying to go for an ice cream version of that fruit you get with Tajin.

It’s sorta clever I think, though Minnesnowii did it a few years back. Shit, I’m pretty sure they used the exact same Tamarind candy straw, too.

Which, why is that included? This is ice cream. We don’t eat that with a straw…

I’m not a fan of Tajin, so I suspect I won’t like this all that much. But on the plus side, I can just dig myself a little hole and eat the ice cream in the middle that won’t have the tajin on it. Problem solved!

I’m still pretty irritated about that straw though. I just don’t get what we’re doing here.


What the hell Tasti Whip, why you gotta do this to me?  Look, conceptually, I get the whole chamoy/tajin on sweet desserts thing.  Spicy meets sweet, seems like a brilliant twist.  I’ve never bought into this one myself, though.  I didn’t like it when they did this EXACT thing with shave ice a couple of years back (wait, 2018?  6 years ago?  My god, time is just in a freefall right now and I feel old), and I don’t think I’ll like it any better on soft serve.  Even if it is delicious Tasti whip.


HOLY SHIT NEW DOLE WHIP? We’ve never had that before! Wait did they mean Chile like the country? Or Chili like the spice?

Oh- it’s chamoy and Tajin- so I guess maybe the country…? But aren’t those Mexican? Wait, are either of those actually like a fancy chili powder? Ok yes- they are BOTH seasoning blends made from chilies. Soooooooo….did we just fuck up here Tasti Whip? Did you not know that Chile is a country, not a spice? 

Ok and now that I’ve ranted about this, I’ve googled Chile and while it primarily is the country, it can also be a pepper, so I guess I’ll just go fuck myself.

In addition to this, even though I like the idea of a new Dole Whip, this feels very 2018. That’s the year that Minnesnowii had their Mangonado Shaved ice which is, you guessed it, mango shaved ice with chamoy and tajin.

I know people love this flavor combo but I think it’s just meh. I hope this changes my mind but I'm betting not. It sure does look pretty though.

*** I remember now that we had a Dole Whip Float last year and this is what I get when I haven’t typed up 2023 yet***

And that's it for Day 1! Tune in tomorrow for more food related shenanigans and our reviews for the most hyped food for 2024.


  1. Blue cheese has mold in it

  2. But if I bite into this and a bunch of cream cheese fills my mouth or comes pouring out? No thanks.

    You just described my heaven.

    Like, will I feel like I’m just eating straight seasoned sour cream with a spoon?

    You just described my heaven, again.

    Ranch is the ONLY sauce for buffalo, that’s just a fair fact. Fight me. Blue cheese has mold in it, ya know?

    Commence fighting! I love ranch, but blue cheese and plenty of it is the superior buffalo wing dip, no questions asked. I eat buffalo wings just as an excuse to eat blue cheese dressing.

    And yes, delicious, delicious mold.

    Oh jesus I just read this. BLUE CHEESE (blue cheese has mold in it…)

    Seriously, the mold is what makes it so good!


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